NEWCON has a clearly defined feature on the national and international
market of service integrators and management consultants:
NEWCON covers the complete value added chain of its business customers,
which are mainly from the enterprise customers sector. NEWCON offers a
wide range of services, starting with Top Level Management Consulting
(strategic consulting) and going to service integration and outsourcing of
whole applications. Insofar strategies are realized with a very enduring
approach under full responsibility of NEWCON. NEWCON can offer this
approach because its management team and several of its employees have
been working for several years in top positions in the sectors of IT,
Telecommunication and Utilities. The company’s chairman, Gerald Haidl, did
hold national and international management positions and still continuously
takes over such roles for customers of NEWCON on an interim basis.
The whole team of NEWCON consists of professional consultants, that
possess years of experience in their individual field of activities and for the
better part are national and international accepted specialists in their field of
work. So the companies CTO, Christoph Mazakarini, is well known as
international top mediation expert and is responsible for product- and partner strategies at NEWCON.

NEWCON named Top 5 BSS/OSS Solutions Companies in Europe
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